Friday, June 8, 2007

نامه به زبان انگلیسی به نهادهابرای خالد و کبرا

To all human rights organizations
Kobra Najar is one step away from stoning
Khaled Hardani is at the verge of execution
These two prisoners have asked us to launch an international campaign to save their lives
On Saturday June 2nd, 2007 we received a phone call from the prison of Rejayi Shahr in Iran. We were told that Khaled Hardani has been put under pressure to sign the document that will eventually lead to his execution on the 26th of June. This time the Islamic Republic of Iran has decided that Khaled should be executed for being a “militant against the God”.
Stoning is threatening the life Kobra Najar in Tabriz’s prison. In three separate she has asked for forgiveness and the parole committee of the Islamic Republic has her down all three times. Currently her new lawyers and she believe that the only chance to escape from stoning is putting pressure on the Islamic Republic through a series of international actions.
Khaled Hordani was sentenced to death after being accused of hijacking an airplane to escape from Iran. And Kobra, mother of four children is from Sanandaj. After being married she was forced to prostitution by his addict husband and currently is sentenced to death with the “allegation” of having extramarital relationship.
Receiving phone calls from the “death cell” and listening to the voice of individuals sentenced to execution and stoning is a unique and painful experience. At the same time, the fact that these prisoners have decided to call us and talk on the phone with maximum control on their emotions, explains their trust toward human rights activists and us. It shows the strength of the movement against governmental man slaughter. It is the experience of prisoners and people that our efforts in Iran and around the world to protest, to hold meetings and demonstrations were effective in raising international awareness, forcing the Islamic Republic to retreat and finally in saving lives of many prisoners. This is the power of the movement against execution and stoning and we should increase this power hundred times more!
We who are outside these prisons,
We who have escaped the Islamic Republic’s Hell and are living in other countries,
We have to start our efforts immediately.
This is to save the lives of the ones who are fighting with the nightmare of death every day and for many years.
This is to save the lives of the ones who are in the dungeons of the Islamic Republic and are counting the minutes. The ones whose heart races with every foot-fall that they hear: “Maybe these are the last moments of my life”.
We have to rise immediately to save the lives of these people!
We, the activists of the International Committee Against Execution (ICAE) and the International Committee Against Stoning (ICAS) are inviting all human rights activists, celebrities, artists and whoever who has respect for human rights and human dignity, to join us in the global actions and protests against execution and stoning of Khaled Hardani and Kobra Najar!
To save the lives of these two individuals and to put pressure on the criminal Islamic government a series of urgent actions need to be planned.
Meetings, protests and manifestations, sending letters to parliaments, putting pressure on the Islamic Republic and starting a worldwide action and movement against execution and stoning
Friday and Saturday 15th and 16th of June 2007 are the days that we should gather in front of the Islamic Republic embassies and in city centers and hold manifestations against execution of Khaled Hardani and stoning of Kobra Najar. With the help of International organizations, activists of ICAE and ICAS are planning to organize an extensive movement and worldwide action during these 2 days.
Send letters of protest to the UN and the European Union to put pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran for immediate nullification of these sentences. This is another effort that should be on the agenda.
Broadcasting this 2-day event and related efforts in all web logs and internet sites!
Contact your parliament and the human rights commission of your parliament. Meet with your member of parliament and ask for an immediate and urgent protest against execution and stoning in Iran, especially nullification of these two sentences.
Join our movement; add your voice to ours. Together we can save the lives of two human beings from imminent death!
International Committee Against Execution (ICAE)
International Committee Against Stoning (ICAS)
June 2, 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

تاختن به مبانی حقوقی دین مبین اسلام تیشه زدن به ریشه و هویت پاک اسلام است و همانطور که میدانید ایرانی بدون اسلام بی ریشه و بی هویت است است. سنت حسنه سنگسار از سنن الهی و به حکم الله است و بارها به دست مبارک حضرت رسول اکرم (ص) و امیر المومنین علی (ع) سنگ به سر زنان و مردان حیوان صفت پرتاب شده ، این سنت برای بقا و حفظ امنیت اجتماعی انجام شده و نوعی رحمت اللهی است که بر جامعه ساری و جاریست.
اسلام دین رحمت و شفقت است ودر احادیث مکرر ثبت است که معصومين اسلام شفقت و مهربانی مکرر حتی بر دشمنان روا داشته اند و از لحاظ علم مدرن آمار نیز ثابت می شود که درصد کمی تنبیه و تدبیر که معاندین الله اسم آن را خشونت نام نهاده اند کفه ترازو را دگرگون نمی کند و صلاح نیست به خاطر چند نفري که در سال محکوم به سنگسار می شوند و این حکم حق شان است و خدای متعال تعیین کرده کل دین اسلام را به زیر سوال ببریم.
متاسفانه عده ای که مزدور صهیونيست ها هستند در سایت ها به انتقاد از سنت الرسول پرداخته و مجریان دستورات رسول الله را وحشی معرفي مي کنند که اینها همان مروجين فرهنگ صهيونیستی تساهل و تسامح هستند و مي خواهند اسلام را به یک دين بي هويت مثل دين مسیحيت و بهائيت تبديل کرده جامعه اسلامي را به تباهي سوق دهند.
به یاد داشته باشید که ایرانیان مردمی گمراه و جاهل بودند تا اینکه با سنت نبی آشنا و دروازه های ایران به روی اسلام گشوده شد و اگر ما 3000 سال قبل از آن فرهنگي سطحی و ظاهری و بی ریشه داشتیم حالا 1400 سال است که با افتخار می گوییم هدایت شده ایم و مسلمانیم. لذا اگر دین نداريد لااقل عرق ملي داشته باشید و مثل یک آزاد مرد فرهيخته باشید.
البته اینطور نیست که همیشه لازم به سنگسار باشد و اگر سنگسار در ملا عام باعث ضرر تبليغاتی برای اسلام باشد باید در خفا و بدون تبليغات و دادگاه علنی و خبردار کردن وکلای مدافع مزدور استکبار جهانی این احکام اجرا شود و من خبر موثق دارم که در زمان خاتمی چندين مورد در شهرستانها اجرای این فریضه شرعی شده وچون هوشمندي مجریان و حاکمان شرع مبین اسلام هدايتگر جریان بوده ضمن عمل به سنت رسول الله هیچگونه تبلیغات منفي در رسانه های داخلي و خارجی علیه سنت الهی نبوی رجم صورت نگرفت.